Administration is liaison with Mayor and Council and all departments, boards, and agencies in order to follow procedure and implement budgets.
The River Edge Volunteer Ambulance Service ("REVAS") was officially incorporated in 1949. We provide exemplary emergency medical care as a fully volunteer squad 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Thirty-five members actively respond to the requests of the eleven thousand residents the Borough. It is through the interest of new members, the dedication of veteran members, and the generous funds of the residents of River Edge and other outside donations that REVAS is able to provide this outstanding care.
Stephen Depken - Construction Official
Nicole Shnaper - Technical Assistant
Adrienne Capasso - Administrative Assistant
Adrienne Capasso - Administrative Assistant
Tom Behrens - Zoning Official
Arthur DeRosa - Code Enforcement/Property Maintenance
The mission of the Borough of River Edge Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is to maintain a high level of preparedness, to protect the citizens of the Borough of River Edge; to mitigate loss of life and vital assets prior to, during, and immediate aftermath of a disaster; and to facilitate the speedy recovery of the borough in the mid and long term intervals following a disaster.
CFO works in concert with Finance department, Mayor and Council, and all departments to assure smooth functioning of town via budgeting process, and payment of bills.
Since 1900, River Edge has been very lucky to be protected by the volunteer River Edge Fire Department.
Our Fire Prevention Department is in charge of inspecting all homes, rentals, and businesses to ascertain compliance with Fire Codes.
Health Department aids in maintaining the mental and physical health of our town.
The River Edge Police Department is dedicated to providing Borough residents, merchants and visitors the best possible police service.
Recreation helps to make River Edge a great place to live - organizing and constantly improving our athletic and cultural activities and spaces.
Ricca, Joseph - Director of Recreation and Cultural Affairs
Check Back for 2025 starting date - 3-7 on Thursdays
at Continental Avenue and Memorial Park
The Tax Office is in charge of collecting all municipal taxes.