Stefanie Butler- (2/22) - 2/28/25 - 12/31/27
Jane Daly - (3/18) - 1/1/25 - 12/31/27
Elizabeth Oudens, M.D. - (1/13) - 1/1/25 to 12/31/27
Patricia Cordts - (1/11) - 1/1/23 to 12/31/25
Mary Clare Smith - (1/06) - 1/1/21 to 12/31/26
Council Liaison: Barry Benson
Monkey Pox Information:
THE FLU VACCINE is available for 18 years and older at a cost of $15.00 (not $25.00).
Residents can contact the Health Department and leave a message at 201-599-6299 or my number 201-599-6289.
Physicians - Ask your physician if she/he will take your used syringes once they are properly placed in a container.
Local Health Departments - Ask the Health Officer of your local health department if there are any syringe disposal facilities in your area.(see for a directory of local and county NJ health departments and contact information.)
Household Waste - Follow these steps to safely dispose of your syringes in your municipal trash. Your syringes must be placed in rigid containers that will protect people from needle sticks and use containers that are unlikely to break open on its way to the landfill.
1. Rigid Container You may use empty laundry detergent bottles or 2-liter soda "pop" bottles or other rigid containers with screw-on caps to dispose of needles and syringes. Check with a pharmacy. Ask if it sells commercial containers specially designed to hold sharps for disposal in your household trash.
2. Label/Warning Place a large label with a warning on the empty container. Example: SYRINGES - DO NOT RECYCLE
Here is the Link for Mid Bergen Regional Health Commission:
Flu Immunizations
Flu shots are available to residents 18 years of age and older. Free for 65 years and older with Medicare Part B, all others are $25.00.
Flu Vaccine still available. Call the River Edge Health Dept. at (201) 599-6299 to make an appointment.
If you require any Vital Statistics documentation (i.e. Marriage Licenses, Certified copies, etc.), please contact the Health Department and leave a detailed message as to the documentation/appointment you require. Please make an appointment for Marriage Licenses. Messages will be retrieved and you will receive a return phone call.
Dog/Cat Licensing will still be available however, due to the limited hours, we encourage all residents to send all renewals through the mail. If you require additional dog/cat licensing applications, these are available on the River Edge Website or outside the Health Department office.
If you require any additional information, please call the Health Department and leave a message. All messages will be retrieved on a daily basis and returned as promptly as possible.
Bergen County Animal Control has moved locations as of October 3, 2013. Their new location is 100 United Lane, Teterboro, NJ 07608. It shares this location with the Bergen County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center. They can be reached at (201) 229-4616.
If your pet is missing or lost, you may contact Animal Control directly to inquire if they have a dog or cat matching the description of your pet. Bergen County Animal Control will scan stray dogs or cats for a microchip, identifying marks, collars, and tags to make every effort to notify the owner.
A resident seeking their lost animal may visit the Bergen County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center during public hours seven days a week.
Bergen County's Division of Mental Health Services
The Mental Health Division of Bergen County aims to raise public awareness that mental illness is a disease, not a choice. Please visit their website for more information at Phone numbers for Crisis Counselors as well as other useful information can be found at this site.
What You Can Do To Avoid Influenza
Help to protect yourself and your loved ones from getting sick this season. Follow these simple steps to help stop the spread of germs.
For the latest information on the Swine Flu
and the H1N1 Vaccine, please refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at
Click on the following hyperlinks for more information from their Websites
Lyme Disease:
West Nile Virus:
Smoking Cessation