The Shade Tree Advisory Committee is a volunteer group whose members assist the Department of Public Works in protecting and maintaining our Borough trees. Our compensation is seeing the results of our work on the tree-lined streets of River Edge. Yearly plantings take place so that we may replace any Borough trees that have been lost. We will continually seek out grants to help fund our Borough tree program. River Edge has been named a Tree City USA since 2000 and Growth Awards since 2004 for the excellence and dedication shown in its street-tree program. This is a nationally recognized program.
Established by Ordinance 24-10
Michele Cariddi | MEMBER | 3 year term expires 12-31-26 |
Linda Mei | MEMBER | 5 year term expires 12-31-29 |
Lori Esposito | MEMBER | 2 year term expires 12-31-25 |
Collin Busteed | MEMBER ALTERNATE #2 |
5 year term expires 12-31-29 |
Theresa Esposito | MEMBER | 2 year term expires 12-31-25 |
Jason Milito - DPW Superintendent | MEMBER | |
Eric Phillips - DPW Tree Foreman | MEMBER | |
Lisa Montisano-Koen | Liaison to DPW & Shade Tree Advisory Committee |
Right of Way Trees Tree Trimming, Removal, Planting requests PLEASE USE THIS LINK TO SUBMIT YOUR REQUEST
Privately hired landscapers or tree contractors are not permitted to work on Borough trees.
Tree pruning and removals are performed by the Department of Public Works throughout the year.
The Borough receives over 300 requests annually and we make every attempt to respond in a timely manner.
We appreciate your patience as we respond to requests.
Stump removal is performed annually (resources permitting) by an outside contractor. Topsoil and re-seeding will be completed after the stump is removed. Once a Borough tree is removed, you will automatically be placed on the stump removal list. (removal may be up to two years)
Residents may remove curbside stumps at their own expense. You must call NJ ONE CALL prior to removal for the mark out of utility lines. NJ ONE CALL: 800-272-1000
Residential & Commercial Property Tree Removal Permit: This permit is for residents removing tree(s) from their property and may be completed by either the resident or tree contractor. A permit IS NOT required to trim trees on your property.
Residents or tree contractors must pick up this form directly from the Department of Public Works located at 500 Riverside Way. (see form for all fees and applicable rules)
Upon completion – this form is to be returned to the Department of Public Works located at 500 Riverside Way.
*Note: If tree removal is due to construction – a building permit will not be issued until this form is submitted, approved, and all fees are paid.
Right of Way Tree Protection Permit: This permit is for residents performing construction on their property and may be completed by either the resident or building contractor.
Residents or building contractors must pick up this form directly from the Department of Public Works located at 500 Riverside Way. (see form for all bond fees and applicable rules)
Upon completion – this form is to be returned to the Department of Public Works located at 500 Riverside Way.
*Note: A building permit will not be issued until this form is submitted, approved and all fees and bonds are paid.
Tree Pruning Permit: This permit is for utility companies who are performing line clearing around Borough trees. The permit must be submitted 3 working days prior to start of work.
There is no cost for this permit. (Download permit here) Utility Company use only.